Chrysoberyl Cat S Eye Gemstone

By:  Camila Farah

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However the eye of a chatoyant chrysoberyl is the sharpest of any cat s eye gemstone. Ordinary yellow to green chrysoberyl cat s eye or cymophane and alexandrite. Cat s eye chrysoberyl is both a popular and extremely valuable gemstone that is genuinely rare being found only in a few deposits in the world.

Chrysoberyl is most often a lightly colored gemstone though increased color saturation will increase its value. In fact when the term cat s eye is used alone in the gem trade it always refers to chrysoberyl cat s eye. About cat s eye chrysoberyl. Your on line link direct to the mines and lapidary shops for 100 natural cats eye chrysoberyl gemstones also known as cymophane that were mined in brazil sri lanka and india. It exhibits a strong cats eye effect with sheer detail making the term cat s eye interchangeable for chrysoberyl gemstone this gemstone can surpass other cats eye stones in terms of color and clarity as well.

Again and again they fire the enthusiasm of those who are looking for something individual and unique. The energy of light would purify negative energy. Chrysoberyl cat s eye lehsunia cats eye chrysoberyl is a highly sought after gem variety of the chrysoberyl mineral family. The most famous and valuable cat s eye gemstone is chrysoberyl cat s eye. With a hardness of 8 chrysoberyl is also one of the hardest gemstones.

Chrysoberyl cat s eye is a gemstone quality variety of beryllium aluminum oxide which exhibits a rare optical trait known as chatoyancy. The cat s eye effect exhibited on the cat s eye variety is caused by is caused by microscopic needle like. Please use it when you want to change your luck flow. That name comes from a greek word meaning appearing like a wave alluding to the opalescent hazy appearance of the surface of some crystals. Ordinary chrysoberyl is yellowish green and transparent to translucent.


Chatoyant or cat s eye chrysoberyl is also known as cymophane. It is a good gemstone to use when you want to get out from being depressed. The chrysoberyl with its hues ranging from honey colored to mint green is a popular gemstone and one which is esteemed by gemstone lovers the world over. When the mineral exhibits good pale green to yellow color and is transparent then it is used as a gemstone. Chrysoberyl cat s eyes are among the most beautiful things that nature has created.

You would be able to overcome the difficulty and have hope in yourself. Cat s eyes are also well suited to being worn as jewellery by men. And without doubt many a man has allowed himself to be seduced by a beautiful cat s eye too. Chatoyancy is the unique ability to reflect light in a way that resembles the slit eye of a cat hence the name cat s eye. All other types of cat s eye gems require an additional varietal designation such as cat s eye apatite.

The three main varieties of chrysoberyl are. Chrysoberyl cat s eye is a gemstone with a meaning and properties of a talisman. Chrysoberyl gemstones are often free of flaws though stones larger than several carats are uncommon. The three main varieties of chrysoberyl are. You would be able to overcome the difficulty and have hope in yourself.

Chrysoberyl gemstones are often free of flaws though stones larger than several carats are uncommon. Chatoyant or cat s eye chrysoberyl is also known as cymophane. Chrysoberyl cat s eye is a gemstone quality variety of beryllium aluminum oxide which exhibits a rare optical trait known as chatoyancy. Again and again they fire the enthusiasm of those who are looking for something individual and unique. Chrysoberyl is most often a lightly colored gemstone though increased color saturation will increase its value.