Gemstone Amethyst

By:  Camila Farah

Search In: Benefits Crystal Amethyst Raw Gemstone Purple 

This gem provides benefits similar to tourmaline such as far infrared radiation and negative ion emission. Amethyst is an incredibly popular gem and it has been for centuries making it a sought after item for creating both everyday items and beautiful pieces of jewelry. Amethyst is the most popular purple gem used as a chakra stone.

Amethyst gemstone offers certain benefits for body detoxification and health. The amethyst is extravagance in violet. Lower grades of material can be cabbed carved and made into a great variety of beads and other ornamental objects. The appreciation for amethyst stretches so far back into history because it has been so present all over the world. Amethyst crown chakra sodalite brow chakra blue lace agate throat chakra green aventurine heart chakra citrine solar plexus chakra carnelian sacral chakra and red jasper root chakra.

Amethyst is the purple variety of the mineral quartz and is its most famous and valuable gem variety quartz also contains other gemstones such as citrine rose quartz and smoky quartz the color of amethyst is most often caused by iron impurities though it can also be colored by natural radiation exposure. With a relatively high hardness of 7 the february birthstone is a fine facetable jewelry gem for all purposes. The ancient greeks wore amethyst and carved drinking vessels from it in the belief that it would. For many thousands of years the most striking representative of the quartz family has been a jewel coveted by princes both ecclesiastical and secular. Amethyst is crystalline quartz in colors ranging from pale lilac to deep reddish purple.

Chakras are spiritual centers of the body. While the benefits of amethyst gemstone are controversial many applications of this stone are beginning to regain popularity. Amethyst gemstone is the purple variety of the quartz mineral. In the roman catholic church the pure color of amethyst is associated with the wine transfigured to christ s blood in the sacrament of mass. Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone that works in the emotional spiritual and physical planes.


Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz the name comes from the koine greek αμέθυστος amethystos from α a not and μεθύσκω ancient greek methysko μεθώ metho modern greek intoxicate a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. Commonly used chakra stones include. Amethyst s purple color can range from a light lilac to a deep intense royal purple and from brownish to vivid. You may also know that the amethyst is the birthstone for those born in the month of february. Amethyst has been a signature gemstone for bishops and is often incorporated into many of their ceremonial rings.

Amethyst is sometimes heat treated to deepen the color or to transform it into citrine. It s clear why so many cultures have come to hold this stone in the highest respect. Its colour is as unique as it is seductive though in fact this gemstone of all gemstones is said to protect its wearer against seduction. Amethyst is one of the twelve gemstones that lined the walls of heaven in revelations. Amethyst is sometimes heat treated to deepen the color or to transform it into citrine.

Amethyst is one of the twelve gemstones that lined the walls of heaven in revelations. Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz the name comes from the koine greek αμέθυστος amethystos from α a not and μεθύσκω ancient greek methysko μεθώ metho modern greek intoxicate a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. Chakras are spiritual centers of the body. Amethyst is the purple variety of the mineral quartz and is its most famous and valuable gem variety quartz also contains other gemstones such as citrine rose quartz and smoky quartz the color of amethyst is most often caused by iron impurities though it can also be colored by natural radiation exposure. Amethyst gemstone offers certain benefits for body detoxification and health.