Heliodor Cabochons Gemstone

By:  Olivia Luz

Search In: Heliodor Gemstone Cabochons 

A clear and flawless heliodor will exude brilliance and sparkle like the sun. Heliodor is transparent and possesses exceptional clarity. 69 5 ct natural yellow heliodor beryl untreated agl certified cabochon gemstone 19 99 3 80 ct 100 natural yellow heliodor beryl certified cabochon cut gemstone.

Typical inclusions are long hollow tubes. As with other members of the beryl family heliodor has a good hardness measuring 7 5 8 on the mohs scale making it ideal to set into jewellery. When this is the case the gem is often cabochon cut and sometimes chatoyancy or asterism can be visible. 237 25 ct natural huge yellow heliodor beryl ggl certified cabochon gemstone. View cart for details.

The yellowish colors of heliodor are usually caused by small amounts of iron within the mineral s crystal structure. Heliodor is a name used by mineralogists and gemologists for specimens of the mineral beryl with a yellow greenish yellow or golden yellow color. Pure beryl is colorless but impurities within the mineral cause beryl to occur in a variety of different colors. Being a type ii gemstone heliodor typically displays fewer inclusions than other beryl types such as emerald. Heliodor is normally transparent but occasionally can be found translucent.

Heliodor is normally transparent but occasionally can be found translucent. The yellowish colors of heliodor are usually caused by small amounts of iron within the mineral s crystal structure. Typical inclusions are long hollow tubes.