Although she appears to have a slightly more broad upper torso than her component pearls possibly due to added physical strength from fusion. Pearl or pink pearl as she is referred to by the crewniverse is a homeworld gem who was pink diamond s original pearl before being taken from her and placed under the ownership of white diamond who used her powers to brainwash pink pearl rendering her devoid of color referred to as white pearl outside of the series. Pearl is a crystal gem and an original character that appears in steven universe 1 appearance 1 1 pre regeneration debut 1 2 post regeneration previous 1 3 current regeneration 2 personality 3 abilities 3 1 fusions 3 2 skillset 3 3 unique abilities 4 gemology 5 gemstone 6 gallery 7 references pearl has an appearance similar to that of other pearls as she is tall and thin with a pointy.